Thursday, February 25, 2010

The dark side of a yearly ritual

We are pleased to share with you this op-ed in Thursday''s Ottawa Citizen by Leonard Stern.

Beginning Monday, university campuses play host to an annual event known as Israeli Apartheid Week, where Israel is assigned the role of Jew among the nations — singled-out, cursed and harassed.
Some Jewish students at Carleton and the University of Ottawa will discreetly choose to stay home, to avoid having to answer for the Jewish state. The whiff of something medieval hangs over this March ritual.
This isn’t about Jews, say the organizers. It’s about Zionists. Problem is, the activist groups behind Israeli Apartheid Week are doing everything to erase the distinction. Read more.

On a more upbeat note, following the devastating earthquake that struck Haiti on January 12, the Joint Distribution Committee swiftly coordinated relief efforts with its network of Israeli, North American, and local Haitian partners on the ground. Click here to view an inspiring video that highlights JDC's work in Haiti.